The Brazilian wandering spider, also known as armed or banana spiders, is from the Phoneutria genus, which means murderess in Greek. And they ve earned that name they re one of the most poisonous spiders in the world.
In a few states, you can have an alligator if you get the right permit and set up the right way. They need a big area with water and eat meat, which can be hard for many folks to handle. National Geographic says most people who have gators as pets aren t ready
Even though they re tiny, keeping scorpions as pets can be very risky if you don t take care of them properly. Owners need to give them a warm, safe tank with enough stuff to dig and hide in. Try not to touch them too much to avoid getting stung.
Owning venomous snakes as pets in certain parts of the US is allowed, but it comes with rules. Favorites like Gaboon vipers and rattlesnakes are popular picks for their striking looks. Setting up a comfy and secure tank is a must.
Komodo dragons the giants of the lizard world might seem fascinating, but they re actually quite risky as pets. Their massive size, strength, and bacteria-packed saliva make them a handful to handle.
Cone snails have pretty shells, but they can be very dangerous to handle because of their venom. They need a saltwater tank that s checked often to keep them well. All cone snails are poisonous and some can be deadly, but the ones in North America
Mexican Redknee and Goliath Birdeaters are famous pet tarantulas because they re big and look very impressive. They require a tank where humidity and temperature are carefully controlled.
Keeping big cats as pets at home isn t recommended, but in some places you can do it with a special permit. These animals are tough to care for because they re strong and have hunting instincts. Owners have to make sure they eat the right food